Our first project for Khes'yc Apps is Khes'yc Mount. This is an addon for World of Warcraft to manage mounts in difference circumstances.
Without a mount skill, Khes'yc Mount will attempt to summon the heirloom/chauffeured mount. Otherwise, based on your mount skill, the area that you're in, and the people that you're with, it will summon a mount from the categories of Ground, Flying, Ground Group, Flying Group, or Swimming. There is also an override on the Shift modifier that will summon a mount from the Vendor category.
There are several other options, holding Shift while mounted will trigger the "/mountspecial" event. Holding Ctrl while mounted will eject your passengers.
The addon will also attempt to protect you from accidental dismounting while flying - it's not perfect, because you want to be able to override it if you're only an inch off the ground, but it will try to stop you from accidental suicide.
Please comment below if you have any questions, comments, or concerns with Khes'yc Mount!